This is a 6 mile stretch of rural road from Milford to Loxhill – the primary West-East route between the A281 and A3. It is a rural road designated as Unsuitable for HGVs.
Following efforts by the parish council and several Hambledon residents an assurance has been given that the proposal for a new relief road to be built across the Surrey Hills Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty will not be pursued.
Colin Kemp, deputy leader of SCC has now given the following statement.
“I have read a lot of paperwork and had many conversations on this matter to get a true understanding of the issue.
On the main point of the question which was a relief road, I believe the environmental and local impact would be too great and don’t believe this could be delivered and should not be pursued any further.
Having said that, it has become clear to me that with all the planned developments around this area we need to look at the road network and identify pinch points through the route and see if there are any local improvement schemes that would ease congestion and then see if we can identify funding for these.
I am sorry if this caused concern but I don’t believe is saying no just because somebody else did. If I am asked a question, I will always consider evidence before giving a formal response.
Colin Kemp
Deputy Leader
Surrey County