Summary findings:
5160 vehicles us Station Lane each day
At peak it is 650vph (between 8 and 9am)
1000 of those (19%) are commercial vehicles.
Between 6 and 7am 34% of all Eastbound vehicles are vans, or lorries
59 vehicles a day are OGV2 (large, 4 or more axle vehicles, over 7.5t).
The data does not indicate how many OGV1’s are also over 7.5t but it is likely to be in the region of 170vpd. This road is designated “Unsuitable for HGVs”

HGV – the definitions
An HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) is now referred to as either OVG1 or OGV2 (Ordinary Goods vehicle). This is differentiated by number of axles and weight.
LGV = commercial vehicles upto 3.5t

OGV1 = vehicles over 3.5t
Note: If over 7.5 tonnes markers similar to those below should be displayed at the rear of the vehicle.

OGV2 = vehicles with 4 or more axles

Milford Golf Course Development
The planning approved outline permission for 200 houses to be built at Milford Golf Course will have a severe impact on Station Lane. Traffic Studies project an extra 831 vehicle movements to and from the new housing estate. That will add 16% to the total number of vehicles using Station Lane. Additionally the potential closure of Cranleigh Recycling Centre will 7% more traffic onto Station Lane. More significant is the medium term issue of commuter and construction traffic from the 3500 new homes being constructed or approved in and around Cranleigh.

At peak times this road and the junction with Church Road will be unable to cope with such an increase in traffic. The developer’s proposed mitigation works do not address traffic volume – their one-way shuttle over the Ock Bridge is merely a work-around the fact they will narrow the road over the bridge – they only way they can accommodate a wider pavement. With yellow box zones and crossing points adding to the mix the space for queues is reduced – increasing the likelihood of tailbacks into the one-way shuttle. Once tailbacks block the one-way zone the shuttle will jam to both directions of traffic, requiring drivers to try and reverse out.
The period between 3pm and 6pm is the busiest for Westbound approaches to the Station Lane/Church Road junction, peaking at 287vph (well above the morning peak of 180vph). So the log-jam of the queue is most likely to occur then.